VIP connects with schools, school districts, and other educational entities to facilitate clients’ safe and supported return to school, as well as connection to educational supports and resources aligned with clients’ long-term goals and interests.
- Assist client in obtaining 504 accommodations
- Discuss 504 process and goals with client/caregiver
- Schedule meeting with school staff and administrators
- Request and assist in completion of mandatory paperwork
- Acquire medical and other necessary documentation
- Assist client with request for homebound services
- Assist client/caregiver in filing request for homebound services
- Request and assist in completion of mandatory paperwork
- Collaborate with medical professionals and school staff to complete documentation, including obtaining signatures
- Provide client with generalized academic support
- Identify areas of needed academic support for client
- Help client develop study and time management skills
- Assist client in accessing tutoring, academic mentoring, course selection, and completion of assignments
- Provide client with college preparation support
- Develop understanding of client’s college goals
- Provide information on college admissions and financial aid
- Connect client to college readiness program
- Request and assist with completion of admission and scholarship applications
- Assist client with high school application process
- Discuss charter school and selective admission options with client/caregiver
- Request and assist in completion of high school application
- Submit application on behalf of client
- Meet with external education resources to discuss application process
- Assist client in obtaining IEP evaluation
- Discuss IEP evaluation or re-evaluation and process with caregiver/client
- Schedule meeting with school staff and administrators
- Request and assist with completion of mandatory paperwork
- Acquire medical and other necessary documentation
- Refer client/caregiver to Education Legal Services
- Contact Special Education Lawyer on behalf of client/caregiver
- Facilitate meetings with client/caregiver
- Refer client to GED program
- Provide informational resources about GED program
- Make referral to GED program
- Assist client in school transfer request
- Discuss options for school transfer with client/ caregiver
- Contact current and potential schools on behalf of client/caregiver
- Coordinate with external resources related to transfer request
- Assist with applications to other schools
- Request and assist in completion of safety transfer application
- Support necessary conversations and mediation with school personnel