Case Management Activity Maps

Describing and standardizing program practices is essential in supporting victim service program replication and growth. In order to enhance evidence-informed care, we developed Activity Maps that explicate the activities undertaken within a pediatric HVIP to provide case management services to young people and their families. These evidence-based maps were created as part of a formative evaluation of our pediatric HVIP, which used over 2,000 client encounter notes to create visual activity maps.

Our Activity Maps illustrate common and exemplar activities HVIP staff complete as they support clients in addressing recovery goals across 13 need domains and general case management activities. These maps provide a user-friendly visualization to inform case management planning in support of client recovery. Within victim service programs, the maps may be useful tools to enhance training, guide care planning, support supervision, standardize program services, and ensure implementation fidelity.

Physical Well-being and Security

Basic Needs

VIP connects clients and families with resources to support their basic physiological needs, including obtaining safe housing, food, and other necessities required for day-to-day functioning.


VIP connects violence-impacted youth to the appropriate medical care for their injury-related and on-going medical needs and well-being.


VIP assists clients and families in developing physical safety plans and advocating within external systems related to child welfare and family violence.

Psychosocial Well-being


ExtracurricularVIP refers clients and families to extracurricular organizations and programming to support engagement and youth development.

Mental Health

VIP addresses client and family needs related to mental health therapy, psychiatric and psychological evaluation, and substance abuse treatment.

Parenting Support

VIP connects parents and caregivers with resources to support youth-caregiver relationships and positive parenting practices.

Peer Groups

VIP provides internal peer group programming and access to external peer groups to allow clients and family members to connect with one another and collectively process their experiences.

Cross System Navigation

Documentation Support

VIP supports clients and families as they procure identification materials, including birth certificates, social security cards, and identification cards.


VIP connects with schools, school districts, and other educational entities to facilitate clients’ safe and supported return to school, as well as connection to educational supports and resources aligned with clients’ long-term goals and interests.


VIP helps clients and families identify and pursue employment opportunities and fulfill obligations necessary for these opportunities.

General Case Management Activities

VIP Case Managers perform a range of services within and across the broader need areas to assist clients and families in meeting identified recovery goals.

Public Benefits

VIP aids families with the process of applying for and utilizing public assistance benefits.