
Beth Rezet, MD an Attending Physician at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and a Center for Violence Prevention Associate at CHOP.
Beth Rezet, MD has been practicing primary care medicine in the West Philadelphia community since 1989. In addition to providing direct care to patients, she precepts resident trainees at all three Care Network City sites. She is the Director of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's (CHOP) Resident Primary Care Education and the Director of CHOP's Community Pediatric and Advocacy Program. Dr. Rezet is also an Center for Violence Prevention Associate at CHOP.
MD, Temple University School of Medicine
Residency, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children
Board Certification, American Board of Pediatrics
Associate, Center for Violence Prevention, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Attending Physician, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Vice Director, Pediatrics Residency Program, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Director, Resident Primary Care Education, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Director, Community Pediatric and Advocacy Program, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Member, American Academy of Pediatrics
Member, Academic Pediatric Association
Member, International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War
Member, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Member, Association of Pediatric Program Directors
Co-chair, Dyson Initiative, National Curriculum Committee
Member, Community Pediatrics Training Initiative
Joanne Decker. MD Mentor Award, 2016
AAMC Spenser Forman Award for Community Engagement, 2015
APA’s Teaching Award for Faculty Committee, 2015-2016
Nominated for the Joanne Decker Faculty Mentor Award, 2009-2015
Faculty Honor Roll – The Children’s Hospital of Phila., 1999-2015
Friend of Nurse Practitioner Award - PA NAPNP, 1999
Teaching Award - Primary Care - The Children’s Hospital of Phila., 1997
Waldo E. Nelson Pediatrics Awards, 1983
Gold Key Honor Society, 1978
Honors Graduate in Biology, 1978
Merck Index Chemistry Award, 1978
Mortar Board Academic Honor Society, 1977
Vasan A, Krass P, Seifu L, Hitt TA, Ijaz N, Villegas L, Pallegedara K, Pandurangi S, Congdon M, Rezet B, Kenyon CC. Pediatric Provider Perspectives and Practices Regarding Health Policy Discussions with Families: A Mixed Methods Study. BMC Pediatr. 2020 Jul 13;20(1):343.
Balmer DF, Tenney-Soeiro R, Mejia E, Rezet B. Positive Change in Feedback Perceptions and Behavior: A 10-Year Follow-up Study. Pediatrics. 2018 Jan;141(1):e20172950.